• ATMOS Disposable Suction System

    Modern fluid
    collection system
    for any situation

ATMOS Disposable Suction System

Modern fluid collection system for any situation

Medical suction has been the core competency of ATMOS for over 100 years. Whether in hospitals, for rescue services or in the homecare sector, whether electrical suction or suction via a central gas supply: ATMOS always offers a powerful and economical solution. The new ATMOS Disposable Suction System can be combined ideally with all suction devices.

ATMOS Einweg-Absaugsystem, Behälter mit Beutel


  • Hospital / clinic
  • General medicine
  • Operating room / anesthesiology
  • Normal ward
  • Doctor's practice
  • Dental practice / maxillofacial surgery
  • Practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Outpatient surgery center
  • Homecare sector

Polyethylene (PE) suction bag

The suction bags are made of soft but extremely durable, highly transparent polyethylene. This allows the bag to be inserted easily into the external canister and offers reliable protection against bursting. Polyethylene is environmentally friendly to produce and burns completely to CO2 and water.

Durable external canisters

The external canisters are made of highly transparent polycarbonate (PC). A sturdy bar on the equipment mount and a long guide channel for the L-connector ensure a long service life. The external canisters can be autoclaved at 121 °C.

For any capacity

The ATMOS Disposable Suction System is available in capacities of 1, 2, and 3 litres. It is possible to make a serial connection for even larger amounts of fluid.

Gelling agent

The suction bags are available with or without gelling agent. If desired, the gelling agent can also be poured in after suctioning through the spout on the bag lid.


Holder for bronchial aspiration units

The holder can be secured to existing bronchial aspiration units in the intensive care unit or to anaesthesia machines in just a few simple steps.



ATMOS external canisters

  • Material: PC
  • Diameter: 107 mm
  • Height: 189 mm
  • Autoclavable at 121 °C
  • Equipment mount: 30 mm x 5 mm
  • Material: PC
  • Diameter: 107 mm
  • Height: 342 mm
  • Autoclavable at 121 °C
  • Equipment mount: 30 mm x 5 mm
  • Material: PC
  • Diameter: 122 mm
  • Height: 354 mm
  • Autoclavable at 121 °C
  • Equipment mount: 30 mm x 5 mm

ATMOS suction bag

  • Material: PE
  • Pack size: 100 pieces
  • Hydrophobic bacterial filter
  • With spout
  • Inlet port: 8 mm to 12 mm
  • Material: PE
  • Pack size: 100 pieces
  • Hydrophobic bacterial filter
  • With spout
  • Inlet port: 8 mm to 12 mm
  • Material: PE
  • Pack size: 70 pieces
  • Hydrophobic bacterial filter 
  • With spout
  • Inlet port: 8 mm to 12 mm


What is unique about the patented folding?

The patented folding allows for extremely compact packaging dimensions of the suction bags. The dimensions can be up to 60% smaller than those of competing products. This means that up to three ATMOS suction bags can be stored in the same space as one competitor suction bag – thus requiring less storage space and creating more space for additional products. In addition, transport costs are lower for delivery and in-hospital transport.

The patented folding also means it is much easier to insert the suction bag into the external canister. The bag, which is still partially folded, can be easily inserted into the external canister. Lightly pressing on the suction bag when the vacuum is switched on suffices and the suction bag adheres automatically to the external canister.

How do I dispose of the suction bags when they are full?

In hospitals throughout Germany, suction bags in which fluid has gelled belong to the waste code number 18 01 04. They can therefore be disposed of as non-hazardous residual waste. Disposal usually takes place in an authorised waste incineration plant. The ATMOS suction bags are made of polyethylene, which breaks down completely into CO2 and water when burned.

In other countries, different regulations may apply for the disposal of full suction bags.

What advantages do disposable suction bags have compared to reusable secretion canisters?

When using disposable suction systems, there is usually no contact with the suctioned fluid. The full suction bags with gelled fluid can be disposed of as non-hazardous residual waste (Note: German regulation – disposal in other countries may differ).

Especially when opening and emptying reusable secretion canisters, there is a quite significant risk of contamination. Cleaning agents and disinfectants are required for reprocessing. The personnel costs involved are not insignificant. Ultimately, the service life of secretion canisters and connections is sometimes only 50 reprocessing cycles.


Title Date Extension Size Language
Brochures & Flyers
Brochure ATMOS Disposable Suction System 24.02.2023 pdf 1.09 MB en, hu
Flyer ATMOS and MEDAP Canister Systems 20.01.2025 pdf 1.96 MB en
Flyer ATMOS Disposable Suction System 22.03.2022 pdf 286.92 KB en, hu
Flyer ATMOS Disposable Suction System, Holder for bronchial aspiration units 12.05.2022 pdf 396.80 KB en



Holder for ATMOS external canister 1 l Dräger®


Gelling agent for ATMOS suction bags


Vacuum serial tube for ATMOS suction bags


T-connector for ATMOS suction bags


L-connector for ATMOS suction bags


Rail clamp for equipment mount, metal


Rail clamp for equipment mount, plastic


Equipment mount holder wall attachment


Vacuum shift


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