• ATMOS C 451 VE

    A powerful universal
    suction device
    for gynaecology


Reliable and flexible

A prolonged second stage of labour, maternal exhaustion, or a health risk to the baby are situations in which a vacuum-assisted delivery is performed. The vacuum extraction procedure should be integrated smoothly into the birth process and ensure maximum safety. Simple and safe handling is an absolute must. The ATMOS C 451 VE enables fast and reliable vacuum build-up as well as simple and intuitive operation.

universal suction device for gynaecology, ATMOS C451 VE


  • Hospital / clinic
  • Gynecology

Mobile and handy

Depending on hospital, clinic or practice requirements, this universal suction device can be used in any room. The ATMOS C 451 VE can be carried simply as a basic device from room to room or pushed on a trolley.

Universal suction device with a matching vacuum extraction package

Easy handling and an extensive range of accessories consisting of a foot controller, a trolley, and a DDS secretion canister system with a volume of 1.5 l provide obstetricians with an efficient, safe, and extremely reliable system.

Intuitive and safe

The ATMOS Direct Docking System (DDS) allows the secretion canister to be attached directly to the ATMOS C 451 VE. This eliminates the need for any hose connections between the device, the bacterial and viral filter, and the secretion canister. Thanks to the plug-and-play system, errors are reduced to a minimum.

Further indications

In addition to vacuum extraction, the ATMOS C 451 VE can also be used for suction curettage and for surgical suction.

Large selection of matching accessories

The ATMOS Extraction Cup (Malmström) made of autoclavable stainless steel is available in three different diameters (40, 50, and 60 mm). The design of this extraction cup allows for easier and safer handling and also reduces the risk of the cup coming off during vacuum delivery.

The ATMOS Cups made of medical silicone are also autoclavable and available in two sizes (50 and 60 mm). The design ensures that the extraction cup has an optimal hold on the foetal scalp. Autoclavable suction curettes in various sizes can be used for suction curettage.

Technical Data


Art. Nr. 340.0355.0
Suction capacity

45 l/min

Max. vacuum

–91 kPa
–910 mbar

Vacuum control range

0 up to –910 mbar

Operating mode

Continuous operation


230 V, 50/60 Hz

Dimensions (H x W x D)

330 x 240 x 360 mm (without trolley)
1010 x 360 x 440 mm (with trolley)


6.7 kg (without trolley)
14.3 kg (with trolley)

Noise level

≤ 48 dB(A)


What indications can the ATMOS C 451 VE be used for?

The ATMOS C 451 VE can be used for vacuum extraction and surgical suction (among others: suction curettage, suction biopsy).

What is the difference between the ATMOS S 351 NATAL and the ATMOS C 451 VE?

The ATMOS S 351 NATAL is a microprocessor-controlled suction device with two vacuum extraction modes. The device automatically builds up the set final vacuum within the specified unit of time and informs the user acoustically and visually once the final vacuum is reached. In addition, equipment faults are indicated on the colour display.

The ATMOS C 451 VE is an electronic suction device that requires the user to set the desired final vacuum manually. The current vacuum can be read directly from the pressure gauge. A foot controller can be used for easy vacuum adjustment.

Can the ATMOS C 451 VE be used with a foot controller?

Yes, the user can adjust the vacuum via a foot controller. The foot controller is connected directly to the suction device.

Why is vacuum extraction performed?

The last phase of birth is very stressful for the baby. During contractions, blood supply to the uterus and placenta is poorer, which can cause acute oxygen deprivation in the baby. At the same time, strong pressure is exerted on the baby’s head, which poses the risk of reduced blood flow to the brain. Depending on the child’s reserves, it may be able to cope with this enormous distress or it may react, for example, with changes on a CTG, such as slowing of the heart rate. In such cases, delivery can be accelerated with the help of an extraction cup.

The extraction cup or forceps can also be used if the pregnant woman is very exhausted.

How is vacuum delivery performed?

The doctor will once again check the cervix as well as the baby’s position and presentation. Once all preparations have been made, the doctor inserts the extraction cup (ATMOS Extraction Cup (Malmström) or ATMOS Cup (Silicone)) into the vagina and places it on the back of the baby’s head. Afterwards, palpation ensures that the extraction cup is seated correctly and that no maternal soft tissues have been pinched.

The extraction cup is connected to the ATMOS C 451 VE via a hose. The ATMOS C 451 VE slowly builds up vacuum so that a negative pressure is created between the extraction cup and the head of the foetus.

During the next contraction, the doctor can pull strongly on the extraction cup while the woman is pressing and help the baby out of the birth canal. After the baby’s head is born, the extraction cup is carefully removed and the rest of the delivery proceeds as in a spontaneous delivery.


Title Date Extension Size Language
Brochures & Flyers
Brochure ATMOS Medical Suction Systems 07.09.2023 pdf 3.58 MB en, ru, cn, hu
Brochure ATMOS S 351 NATAL / ATMOS C 451 VE 22.03.2021 pdf 634.46 KB en, ru, cn, es, hu
Flyer ATMOS and MEDAP Canister Systems 26.07.2024 pdf 1.96 MB en
Technical Documentation
Declaration of Conformity / Konformitätserklärung Accessories Hoses / Zubehör Schläuche 27.05.2024 pdf 186.33 KB de, en, fr, cn, es, . . ., hu
Declaration of Conformity / Konformitätserklärung Accessories Vacuum Regulation / Zubehör Vakuumregulierung 27.05.2024 pdf 164.04 KB de, en, fr, cn, es, hu
Declaration of Conformity / Konformitätserklärung Vacuum extractor, foetal / Vakuumextraktor, fötal 27.03.2024 pdf 125.82 KB de, en, fr, cn, es, hu


A selection of reusable extraction cups made of stainless steel and medical silicone complete the product portfolio for vacuum extraction.

Suction curettes are used to scrape out the uterus and remove the endometrium. The special suction instruments are connected to the suction hose attached to the ATMOS C 451 VE and thus enable the uterine mucosa to be drained directly into the secretion canister.

The ATMOS C 451 VE can be secured to a trolley for mobile use.

Hose-free, particularly easy coupling of the reusable secretion canister system (consisting of a secretion canister, canister lid including canister handle, and splash protection) to the suction device.

A hydrophobic bacterial and viral filter prevents the suction device from becoming contaminated and protects it against bacteria and viruses.


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